Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

Hi, my name is Hussein B. Fawaz .
A Full Stack Developer Intern at Aphelio - Grenoble .
I live in France and currently studying master's in computer science at Lebanese University.

My Resume

About Me


I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development from backend to frontend , mobile app development to desktop applications.

Programming languages

C/C++ - Java - Python - C# - PHP - JavaScript - Dart - SQL .

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    HTML5 - CSS3 - Bootstrap JavaScript - JQuery - React.js - Vue.js

  • Back-End And Data Bases

    Experience with
    Django and Django Rest Framework - PHP - ASP.NET C# - Nodejs.
    Microsoft SQL Server - MySQL - MongoDB - Firebase(Real Time DB and Firestore)

  • Mobile Development

    Experience with
    native android development using Java and cross platform mobile applications using Flutter

  • Desktop Application Development

    Experience with
    Java Swing - JavaFX - Windows C#.


Petrol Station System

A managment system for a petrol station , consist of both web app and mobile application .It can manage all the requirment for a petrol station(accounting-shipments-containers...)

  • Flutter
  • Firebase
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Ajax
  • JQuery

FCSS Web Site

FCSS small company in Tebnin, this project is a website for this business consist as a E-commerce site with addto cart, product detail , check out , a contact page and a store page.

  • ReactJS
  • Commerce.js
  • Material UI

LFA Grassroots

A system for the lebanese football association (grassroots)contain an admin site to manage (crud) all required data and a mobile app for users to see all these data(results/news/matches/rank).

  • Flutter
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • API

Mushroom Detector

An app used to detect and predict the type of the mushroom by taking a picture of it from a camera or import the image from the gallery. Plus some guide about many kinds of mushrooms

  • Flutter
  • Machine Learning
  • Tenserflow Lite

Twitter Stream Data Analysis

Stream data analysis pipline for the twitter sentiment analysis talking about a specif topic, using specific technologies and tools like kafka, azuer, mongodb and it was simulated in pyton

  • Python
  • Azure Cloud
  • Kafka
  • MongoDB

Machine Learning And Data Science Projects

Some Machine Learning and Data Science projects made with python such as Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Covid-19 Data Analysis, Face Detection, Image To Text, a bunch of ML algotithms and more.

  • Data Science
  • ML
  • Image Recognition
  • Python

UL-FS Form Of Discussion

A website developed using ASP.NET MVC to let students communicate between them by asking public questions or private questions based on many factors , and reply to these questions

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Bootstrap

Blogging Platform

A bloging platform site containing dynamic blog pages,have a dedicated editor for blogs, you can add/make as many blogs you want, you can add Headings,paragraphs,and images to the blog post.

  • Node.js
  • Firebase Firestore

Moodle ULFS

This is a web project developed using php-mysql , it’s about 2 website one for the instructors to upload files as pdf courses, sessions, … , and one for the students that can acces to their account and download these files.

  • PHP
  • Bootstrap

Math Game Drag And Drop

A Desktop game containing 3 sections,basic math(count objcets/comparaison),calculation section(Addition-Substraction-Multiplucation-Division-Random) and basic geometrie section, made for kids.

  • JavaFX - FXML - Controller

Twitter Clone

A social media site like twitter,containing authentication to create account and login , post a new tweet ,follow and unfollo users , like and comment tweests ,update your profile ....

  • PHP
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap

Football Academies Managment System

A Desktop app developed with java (GUI-swing) and Microsoft SQL Server for the databasr help managing data for a football academy (Players , Coaches , Training and the academy balance and accounting)

  • javaSwing
  • Microsoft SQL Server